Due to COVID-19 our voter interaction has been limited, but we still need you. We still need volunteers to help us in your neighborhood.
Here are some examples of volunteer positions:
Neighborhood Block Team Leader –
Build a team of volunteers in your neighborhood.
Phone Bank Captain –
Secure sites in your area and host a phone bank. The site can be in your home.
Canvass Captain –
Gather volunteers to canvass by walking in your neighborhood and nearby neighborhoods.
Staging Host –
Organize canvass events from start to finish and run regular door to door canvassing.
Hospitality Host –
Provide food/snacks for staging areas.
Neighborhood Host Training –
Organize volunteers for training in specific areas.
To volunteer, contact the Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) leaders in your county. To get their contact information, click on your county image on the Counties view. If your county does not have a DEC or your county is not active on our map, contact the SCC Chair or Secretary for help.
If you are not available for any such volunteer activities, consider going to the Donate view and contribute to the SCC. We would appreciate that as well.